7 Interesting (and disgusting) Facts About Termites
Termites are a nuisance, which is a fact that everybody who has experienced them knows. However, there are a lot of other facts that people don’t know regarding termites, and we guarantee this information will intrigue you. Don’t forget – when you’re in need of pest control in Fort Lauderdale, FL, contact the team at Captain Termite. We are a family-owned business committed to professional, quality service. We will ensure you feel safe in your home again.
Termites Cause Damage
This fact may not be a surprise, but did you know how much damage termites can cause? If we were to put a value on it, the answer would be they cause billions of dollars every year in the U.S. alone. They are more costly than many disasters, such as fires and tornados combined.
There are a few factors that contribute to termite’s level of destruction, the most common being that they are resilient and produce offspring extremely quickly.
They Promote Soil Health
Termites are extremely beneficial as long as they are not in or near your property. They make the best decomposers, breaking down plant fibers and dead trees, turning them into soil. The action of tunneling aerates the soil, which allows water and valuable nutrients to easily get to plant roots. This makes termites a crucial part of maintaining the health and stability of our national forests. So, as long as termites do not go anywhere near your home, they should be considered welcomed members of the environment.
Termites Feed on Feces
Did you know that termites have a lot of bacteria in their gut? This is the result of eating a significant amount of feces – don’t worry, they only consume their own poop, not that of humans. There is a scientific term to describe this, which is called “trophallaxis.” If this fact could not get any more disgusting, trophallaxis is a constant and important part of a termite’s life. Termites must continuously consume feces to supply the microorganisms in their system. Healthy microorganisms will, in turn, allow the termites to eat more trees.
They are Clean
It may seem implausible that the same critters that consume feces to feed microorganisms living in their gut can also be clean. However, termites do not like dirt. As a result, a lot of their time is spent cleaning each other. In addition to their admirable grooming practices, the dirt that they tunnel through and live in plays a role in keeping them clean by destroying parasites and bacteria.
Termites Avoid Sunlight
An extremely interesting fact many people do not know is that termites must not expose themselves to excess sunlight, as it has devastating repercussions. Why does this happen? Termites are so accustomed to living in the dark (i.e., underground tunnels), they can’t handle too much sunlight.
Keep reading! These facts are about to get even more interesting.
Only Kings and Queens Can See Well
When king and queen termites are young, they leave their nests to search for a mate, which aids in developing their vision. Because they are the only termites with wings, this facilitates the efficiency of their exploration (once they have found their mates and settle down, their wings break off). Whereas termite workers and soldiers do not have wings and also don’t need to explore. They stay within the underground tunnels and become practically blind. When you contact our pest control company in Fort Lauderdale, FL after spotting termite activity, it is the kings and queens you are seeing.
Termites and Cockroaches are Related
Termites share a common ancestor with cockroaches (and mantids). Termites have a close relation to one of the cockroach families. This common ancestor that they share dates back to the cretaceous period, approximately 79 million years ago. However, termites (and cockroaches) are much older than that.
Contact Captain Termite
As interesting as these termite facts may be, they can still cause extreme damage to your property. Termite infestation can result in thousands of dollars in repairs. Our team will eradicate the problem and make sure it does not return. We have over 20 years of experience and knowledge in termite and pest control. We deploy the latest techniques with the most advanced technology and only use the least toxic products on the market. For pest control in Fort Lauderdale, FL, contact Captain Termite. Call (954) 391-1726 to schedule your first appointment.